the year 2008 brought us quite a few good and bad things along with many others....some of these were pure fun, others were pure nonsense.....but one thing that has sort of got my attention is the MTV Tickr.
for those unfamiliar with the concept, the Tickr is a sort of infinitely scrolling marquee at the bottom of the screen that has an opinion to voice about practically everything under the sun. at times these opinions are fun but other times, the wit takes a really cruel form of sarcasm. sarcasm that should not only be restricted to a certain audience but one that shouldn't really exist to begin with.
frankly speaking, there are certain sections of the Tickr that i really like - their horoscope and sometimes the jokes they crack on famous celebs. but the rest of the times, i end up not wanting to flick to that channel. the remarks are hurtful and very very rude and look like they come from a place where the writer is of a high personal opinion.
just this morning there was a certain feature about being stuck in a lift with Anil Kapoor. the remarks were really pathetic and taunted certain aspects of his work and even had a comment that said "congratulate him on the success of Slumdog Millionaire at the Golden Globes....and then say 'oh, wait, you didnt get one right??' "......
this one really got to my nerves because it was a moment of national pride for us when Slumdog Millionaire won the 4 awards at the ceremony, and it being tarnished in any way even by an insignificant little purple and white thing was really wrong....
coming to the conclusion, i do not wish to advocate in any sort of manner that the Tickr or any of its comments or anything associated with it but i just thought it appropriate to voice, not an opinion but a concern, about what we are indulging in and what really is the world coming to...
Knowing Me...

- Aakriti Anand
- If I say I'm just a teenager leading a life as normal as it can get, I sort of defy what I stand for. Its not all that easy but it has its moments. I like those moments when they come along and they bring with them a significant amount of emotion, which I only began expressing in words at age 7. Since then, its all about the writing. It gets to certain people and some just don't get it! But I think that its important for me to write because that is maybe the only talent that exists in me [not denying the presence of good enough speech to win a few here and there =P] There is little I know and there is much I simply yap about but I make sure that if its really got to be said, it better be said, however in the wrong or right. I feel much. There are lot of things I plainly observe and those are sort of the things that I adore writing about. I'm inspired by minute details and small things that have a huge impact much later on. There is much more to me that most know and many have bothered not about. Not like I want them to. But I'd like to be known. And that's what I think I stand for, being known beyond what is known. =D
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